Why does my hip hurt?

The hip joint is very durable and is able to withstand a fair amount of wear and tear. Hip pain is a very common complaint and can cause a lot of issues if not taken care of. However, with age cartridge can become worn down and damaged and muscles and tendons can get overused.

Hip Pain Causes

When you are experiencing pain in your hip joint itself, pain tends to originate on the inside of your hip or your groin. However, hip pain is coming from the outside of your hip, upper thigh or outer buttock it is typically caused by issues with ligaments, muscles, tendons and other soft tissues that surround your hip joint. It is also common for hip pain to be caused by conditions or diseases in other areas of your body, such as your lower back. When experiencing this type of pain it’s called referred pain.

Arthritis: There are two types of arthritis that could be causing your hip pain, Osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis especially in the elderly. When experiencing arthritis of the hip, it leads to inflammation of the hip joint and breakdown of the cartridge which cushions your hip bones, therefore causing discomfort.


Hip fractures: Hip fractures occur more often in elderly people. As we age, our bones become very brittle and weak, therefore leaving us susceptible to a fracture.

Bursitis: Bursae are sacs of liquid which are found between bone and muscle which ease the friction from these tissues rubbing together. When your bursae are inflamed it is due to repetitive use that can irritate the hip joint.

Muscle or tendon strain: This is very common in sports players and someone who performs activities repeatedly. When this happens your muscles could become strained and inflamed due to overuse.

Hip labral injury: Your labrum cushions your hip joint and acts as a rubber seal to help hold the ball at your thighbone into place securely. This is another injury which is due to overuse and repetitive activities, such as twisting.

Avascular necrosis: When you experience avascular necrosis it is due to the lack of blood supply which causes bone tissue to die. When this occurs, it can lead to small breaks in the bone and eventual collapse. There are many factors to the cause of this such as joint and bone trauma, fatty deposits in the blood vessels or a disease.

Common Hip Pain Treatments

A typical treatment for hip pain includes rest, pain relievers or ice & heat. When conservative options fail, your physician might suggest other options such as surgical treatments.

Non-operative Hip Treatments

A cortisone injection may help to relieve pain and inflammation in a specific area of your body. This injection typically includes a corticosteroid medication and a local anesthetic.

The trigger point injection (also known as TPI) is used to treat pain in certain areas in the body that contain knots of muscle that form when muscles don’t relax.

Platelet Rich Plasma injections may help damaged tissue when plasma is injected into the damaged tissue to stimulate your body to grow new healthy cells and promote healing.

Surgical Hip Procedures

When this surgical procedure is done, a surgeon will remove the damaged part of your hip and replace them with parts constructed usually of ceramic, metal and very hard plastic. During this procedure, the surgeon will make a cut through the layers of tissue on your hip. The physician will then remove any damaged or diseased bone or cartridge. Next, a prosthetic socket is placed into your pelvic bone. Lastly, the ball on top of your femur is replaced with a prosthetic one.

The labral repair is done arthroscopically, with a tiny camera and tools inserted in a small incision. There are two different options depending on the type of tear you have. The first option is to remove the labrum and another is to repair it. Your surgeon will go over anything additional to determine this.

This is typical avascular necrosis (osteonecrosis), patient. During this procedure, the surgeon will remove part of the inner layer of bone. The extra space in the bone will stimulate the production of new healthy bone tissue and relieve pain.

Hip Pain? Request an Appointment Today!